#9; Something old, something new...

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Yep. You may just have noticed something here - it's all gone light blue and lovely! I've decided that enough with the old dark blue generic blogspot and in with a fantastic new look provided by Ollie over at BlogF1 that was created by the guys from JackBook so it would be totally unfair of me to be taking credit for the fantastic job they've done making this look! Although I have been meddling about with the HTML values and whatnot to edit things around a bit more to my styling... but still! I massively appreciate it! Do let me know what you think of the bluey blue blueness; that's the best name I could think of.

The title for this entry has a lot more meaning alongside the whole 'something borrowed something blue' main meaning it's pretty much hinting at. I have this fantastic new blue design to gawp at (It's so blue I just want to swim in it!) but there's a few other things I've been looking at today and in the past few days. I found it utterly awful to see in the news that the police that attacked the innocent bystander Ian Tomlinson during the G20 protests last month were actually the likely cause of death rather than a heart attack as original suspected. How disturbing is it to know that during times of restraint and keeping law whereever possible in a sea of panic and frustration, our police authorities feel the need to attack even innocent bystanders to get their way? It sickens me to know that Tomlinson's fall to the ground via this despicable cause of action from a police officer attacking him has happened, it truly does.

On a less serious note, it was announced that Dan Brown's 'sequel' to the Da Vinci Code is coming out in September, and as an avid fan of Brown's literature, I'm mega super uber excited to hear this great news! It only adds to the fact that the next few months are a ball of excitement for myself - heading off to Goodwood and other places within the summer, Muse's new album and UK tour, this news about the book, the actual summer itself hopefully being a lovely relaxing few months plus fingers crossed by the end of august I'll be a fully qualified blowtorch-wielding driver! Ok, perhaps not the blowtorch....

I don't have much else to say at the moment though. Just looking down at tweetdeck to see that the blog has been plugged by a certain someone from the ever-growingly-mentioned Sidepodcast, so that was nice of him! I'll be doing a feature length blog entry later in the week sometimes relating to motorsport, so feel free to come back and check that out because it should be a good read!

Just want to end on one thing - How cute is this toaster?!! I want it! It even has a mini diffuser! That seriously is the greatest toaster ever, and I know what you're thinking - there are some pretty radical toasters out there! I once saw one that had legs and everything. But seriously, if anyone knows where to buy these, or steal them, or download the toaster, or anything... I must have it! It's so cute! It'd be so great seeing Jenson Breaddon and Rubens Braces-chello pop up....

...yep, I did indeed say those puns. Shocking? Yes. Worth it? Totally.